Call Senators to Demand AHCA Bill is Seen and Public Hearings are Allowed
In the next few weeks, the US Senate will vote on their own version of the AHCA. Behind closed doors, a small group of GOP Senators is preparing the bill right now – with no plans for hearings or opportunities for public input, without the CBO score, i.e. without full understanding of the impact it will have.
We know the AHCA, proposed by Trump and already passed in the US House, will end coverage for at least 23 million people, cut Medicaid by $800 billion, all in order to give 100 of billions of dollars of tax breaks to the wealthy and corporations. The AHCA will also impact coverage for people with pre-existing conditions, it will defund Planned Parenthood and raise premiums.
It is crucial we stop such a bill from being passed in the Senate. Even if you have taken action on this topic already, please pick up the phone again and get calling. It makes a difference.
Call Sen. Klobuchar (202 224 3244) and Sen. Franken (202 224 5641) and ask them to demand to see the bill and to demand that public hearings be held so that we can all know what is in the bill before it gets voted on.
Contact friends and family in other states with GOP senators, and particularly in the 10 key states listed below. Share with them what you know about the AHCA, how it will affect you and those close to you, and find out how it might affect them. Urge them to call their US senators as soon as possible to tell them to oppose this bill.
Here are the key states to focus on and the US Senators on those states:
AR: Tom Cotton 202 224-2353
AK: Lisa Murkowski 202 224-6665
AZ: Jeff Flake 202 224-4521
CO: Cory Gardner 202 224-5941
LA: Bill Cassidy 202 224-5824
ME: Susan Collins 202 224-2523
NV: Dean Heller 202 224-6244
OH: Rob Portman 202 224-3353
PA: Pat Toomey (202) 224-4254
WV: Shelly Capito 202 224-6472
This is a very useful toolkit put together by Indivisible to provide information on these 10 key states.
Please consider passing this toolkit onto your friends and family in these states, as well as this suggested script (thanks to Alana Slavitt) to use when talking to their senators:
"I do not support AHCA because it hurts the disabled, children, the working poor, includes an "age tax" and allows those with pre-existing conditions to be charged more. If this bill is so great then why are the AARP, AMA, hospitals and the insurance companies opposed to it? If it is so great, why is the Senate trying to pass it without any hearings or opportunities for public input. I will absolutely fight against Senator xxx's re-election if I do not see a NO vote on AHCA."