Women's March Minnesota

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Line 3 Pipeline - Pack the Room! - Study Needed

Thursday; Feb 22, 8:30a-11:30 - State of Minnesota Public Utilities Commission. 


On February 22, the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission will consider whether to require a full tribal resources survey before deciding to approve or deny the Line 3 pipeline. Line 3 is a project by the Canadian pipeline company Enbridge to build a huge tar sands pipeline across northern Minnesota, the Mississippi River, and tribal treaty land. A project of this scale absolutely needs a full survey of tribal impacts.

Let's fill up the hearing room, support the tribes and environmental groups and others opposing the pipeline, and show the PUC that we're here and we care and we're not going anywhere.

8:30am PRE-RALLY outside the PUC with pipeline fighters, water protectors, and allies

The public will not be allowed to speak at this meeting. It may be quite short -- could be 20 minutes, could be a couple hours -- and there's a chance we may not win on this particular point. The important thing is that the commissioners see us -- all of us -- every single time they meet about this pipeline. Together, we are powerful.

The purpose of this meeting is for the PUC to decide on several different petitions for reconsideration of the PUC's earlier decision (a couple months back) that the environmental impact statement was inadequate in a few key ways. All five intervening tribes (Mille Lacs, Fond du Lac, White Earth, Leech Lake, and Red Lake) have filed a petition for reconsideration, as have other intervening parties.

The PUC will be considering all of these formal petitions, but the most attention is likely to be on a petition jointly filed by the five intervening tribes, asking that the PUC commit to not approve the project until a tribal cultural survey is complete along the route.

Join us to pack the room on Thursday, February 22nd!

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