Women's March Minnesota

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2 Gun Violence Protection Bills 'Tabled' in Committee

Today, the Minnesota Legislature GOP-led Public Safety Committee tabled 2 Gun Control bills, rather than vote on them and go on record with where they stand on Gun Reform Now. This is cowardly!

But we are watching, and in November we will vote.

These 2 bills are now essentially dead, but more gun safety bills are being introduced. We must keep the pressure up!

If your MN Rep sits on the Public Safety committee, contact them and let them know what you think of them delaying sensible gun laws. 

Watch the committee hearing below starting 56 minutes.

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High school student, Eva, gives a powerful testimony at 1hr 46 mins.

From The Uptake; "Two bills aimed at preventing gun violence get a hearing in the Minnesota House Public Safety Committee. The bills are brought up for discussion about 54 minutes into the video. The bills were introduced a year ago, but Republicans who have chaired the committee refused to give them a hearing until this week.

The bills authored by Rep. Pinto (DFL) are HF 1669, which would require criminal background checks for all gun sales, and HF 1605, which would allow law enforcement and family members to seek a court order to temporarily keep guns away from those who have shown themselves to be very dangerous."