Extreme Anti-protest Bills Making Headway in MN House and Senate. STOP THEM NOW!

Anti-protest bills aimed at chilling dissent and stopping resistance need your attention.                 

2 extreme anti-protest bills have almost made it through committee, ready for a final vote in the Mn House and Senate at any time.

HF3693/SF3463 turns trespassing on pipelines etc., into a felony with fines up to $20,000 and 10 years in jail. This applies not only to protestors, but protest organizers, trainers, recruiters etc., as well.

HF390/SF676 increases punishment for obstructing a right-of-way to highway/airport or transit to a gross misdemeanor, with fines up to $3000 and 1 year in jail.

These bills aim to chill dissent, stop the resistance to the pipelines by environmental activists like the Water Protectors, and silence groups like Black Lives Matter.

Your state Reps and Senators need to hear from you about both these bills before they get voted on - i.e. ASAP. And the Governor does too, so he knows to veto them if they get passed. Let them know why dissent is a healthy and important part of democracy.

For more on the bills: 
HF390 - ready to be voted on.
SF676 - ready to be voted on.
HF3693 - ready to be voted on.
SF 3463 - still in committee.

See this article for more information on these bills
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