Women's March Minnesota

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EVENT Oct 9: Island of Discarded Women

Visit Women’s March MN at the Island of Discarded Women. We’ll be in the lobby before and after the show helping people get registered and/or get informed about the upcoming Mid Term Elections.

It’s a special night of a live broadcast of a podcast that lifts of women. Sue Scott and her guests share powerful stories, original music and inspiring conversation! + Food & drink!
The special guest is Marcie Rendon. Marcie is a member of the White Earth Nation and an author, playwright, poet and community arts activist. She is an award-winning author of a fresh new murder mystery series and will share with us excerpts from a new powerful play she is writing that shines a light on the issue of missing and murdered Indigenous women.

Musical guest will be Jaspar Lepak, with new music that is sure to inspire action.

Tickets for the show: $20

Doors open at 5:30 to purchase Food + Drink at your table (service continues during show!)
Show time: 7:00 to 8:30pm
At the Woman’s Club of Minneapolis!
410 Oak Grove St. Minneapolis, MN 55403