Women's March Minnesota

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Keeping Black Families Together (HF342/SF730)

The African American Family Preservation Act (HF342/SF730), is a bill that addresses racial disparities in the MN child protection process.

Did you know that:

  • African American children are 3 times more likely than white children to be reported to Child Protection services

  • In the face of the same allegation, African American and children of 2 or more races are removed from their home at a rate 3.1 and 4.8 higher than their white counterparts

  • The rights of African American parents are terminated at higher rates. African American and children of 2 or more races are between 3 and 5 times more likely than white children to become a state ward

  • African American children are the highest populations of children moving from the child protection system to juvenile protection.

This bill would oversee the creation of an African American Child Welfare Advisory Council and an African American child wellbeing department within the Department of Human Services to provide oversight and accountability.

HF342 is doing well in the House - it passed in the Government Ops committee this week and is about to be heard in the Judicial Finance and Civil law Committee.

However, like many important progressive bills, this one needs some help in the MN Senate.

So, how can you help?

  1. If your House Rep. is on the Judicial Finance and Civil law Committee, please contact them and tell them why you want them to vote YES on this bill.

  2. If you can, please attend tomorrow’s hearing (3/15) to show your support - 9.30am, Rm 400 State Office Building.

  3. This bill has had one hearing in the Senate so far. If you are a constituent of any of the following senators, please contact them and let them know why you want them to grant this bill a hearing. And if you know anyone who is a constituent of these senators, encourage them to contact their senator with the same message.

    This is the list of senators:

    Senator Kiffmeyer (Senate District 30, R)

    Senator Limmer (Senate District 34, R)

    Senator Abeler (SD 35, R)

    Senator Benson (SD 31, R)

  4. And don’t forget to contact your MN state representative and senator and let them know why you want them to them support this bill when it comes to the floor.

Not sure what district you live in or who your MN House Rep or your MN Senator is? Check this lookup tool.

For more details on the bill see this news story from MPR.

Watch the recent press conference by the authors Rep. Rena Moran and Sen. Jeff Hayden when they announced the bill.