Women's March Minnesota

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OPPORTUNITY September 10: Volunteer with Women's March at Open Streets West Broadway

Come visit us at the WMM booth on West Broadway at Open Streets on September 10!  We’ll be talking to people about voting to protect our reproductive freedoms in the upcoming Midterm Elections and ways to help candidates who support our rights get elected. We’ll also have postcards and writing stations for you to send a message to friends and family about the importance of voting pro-choice in November. Then leave with a Bans Off Our Bodies sticker. Come find us. We’d love to see you!

Volunteers Needed!

We are looking for volunteers to help us at the WMM booth. If you've been looking for an easy fun way to get involved - this is it! Shifts will be:

·        10:00am-12:30pm

·        12:00pm-2:30pm

·        2:30pm-5:00pm


You can work one shift or more. Any necessary training will be provided. Please contact us at admin@womensmarchmn.com if you are interested and let us know which shift works best for you. Thank you!