HF40/SF856 (Restore the Vote) gets 2nd hearing in the House this week. Can you help it get a hearing in the Senate?

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One of WMM’s 2019 legislative priorities is HF40/SF856, a bill to restore the vote to over 52,000 Minnesotans (incl. 11K women) convicted of a felony but not in prison - so, living in the community, working, paying taxes. 64% of the 52K barred from voting live in Greater Minnesota. See more at the Restore The Vote Minnesota Coalition website.

There is a lot of support for this bill and it gets its second hearing on Tuesday, Feb. 19 at 9.45 a.m. in the Government Operations Committee, Basement Hearing Rm, State Office Building, St.Paul (map). Please attend the hearing if you can.

Whether you can attend the hearing or not, here are some other things you can do to support this bill both in the House and in the Senate (where it needs your help):

  1. If your representative is on the Government Operations Committee, contact them tomorrow and urge them to support this bill (HF40).

  2. If your state senator is on either the Senate Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy Committee or the Senate State Government Finance and Policy and Elections Committee, call them and urge them to give this bill (SF856) a hearing.

  3. Contact Senate Majority Leader, Senator Gazelka, and urge him to give this bill a hearing. You don’t need to live in his district for him to have to listen to you, though it probably helps!

Not sure who your state Representative and Senator are? Use this lookup tool from the Minnesota Legislature to find out.

Save The Date:

March 7th - Restore the Vote Rally at the State Capitol at noon.