Women's March Minnesota

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#NotOneMore - Weekly WMM Update - Demand Gun Legislation Change

On Thursday we watched as hundreds packed into all three floors of the rotunda at the Capitol to say enough is enough and to demand a change to gun legislation now. During the rally, speakers ranged from courageous high school students, to politicians to ambitious allies; while the speeches were different, the message was the same: The time to act is now!

One courageous high school student who stepped up to the microphone was Eva Goldfarb, a member of Women's March Minnesota Youth Empower committee. Her message was targeted directly at politicians. "We know that gun control works, we know how to establish it. So why do we act as if it's a hypothetical fantasy attainable everywhere but here? Why are we surprised every time an assault rifle capable of firing 15 to 45 rounds a minute kills that many people? There's no ifs, butts, or maybes, we are done with excuses and BS." She went on to say that, "we are not just asking for shooters to stop shooting, we are asking our government to stop giving them the means to do so!"

Later, Alicia Donahue, co-founder of Women's March Minnesota, stepped up to the microphone and asked the sea of women, men, adults and children; "How many times have we done this? How many more instances of gun violence must we endure before it's enough?"  

"How many lives must stolen from us? Why are we training our young people to run from death in our schools? Why are we protecting an organization that puts guns into the hands of these killers?  And perhaps most importantly why are we okay with our elected officials who do nothing to change this narrative in our country?"

We MUST join together and ensure our state's gun laws are not weakened. The rally in the rotunda on Thursday was only the beginning. Here are ways for you to study up, speak up and show up to demand #NotOneMore person dies from preventable gun violence:

Study Up with Protect MN
Speak Up: Fill out Women's March Minnesota's commitment card:  

Show Up: March 14th join Women's March Minnesota as we support the Youth Empower committee and over 900 groups of students all across the nation as they Walk Out of their schools to protest Congress' inaction to do more than tweet thoughts and prayers in response to the gun violence plaguing our schools and neighborhoods.

Women's March Minnesota encourages students to register their Walk Out on www.womensmarch.com and for allies to support this effort. Students and staff have the right to teach and learn in an environment free from the worry of being gunned down in their classrooms or on their way home from school. Parents have the right to send their kids to school in the mornings and see them home alive at the end of the day. 

Show Up: March 24th at the Capitol. The young leaders in Florida and thousands more across the country are organizing a national March for Our Lives.