Women's March Minnesota

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#MNLeg session has begun!

The 2018 MN Legislative Session has begun and will run to mid-May. If you are interested in legislation, what is happening at the State Capitol and knowing what you can do about it, here are some good ways of keeping up: 
For a good summary of the first week of MnLeg, see WatchYourRepsMN’s take on what happened You can sign up to get these excellent, no-nonsense weekly updates sent to you by email (see current update) or you can follow WatchYourRepsMN on Twitter; @WatchYourRepsMn
For an official version you can also sign up to the House Session Daily, and the Senate Media Services 
WMM will keep you up-to-date with the state and federal level bills that we feel are most important to know about and take action on. Other good sources on a wider range of state-level bills are the Facebook groups Indivisible Minnesota Local and Postcards for America MN, and again WatchYourRepsMN via Mailchimp or Twitter. For federal level bills, Indivisible is very good, and has both website and Facebook presence.

Find your representative and then;

  1. Sign up for your state and US Senators and Representatives regular updates, so you know what they have been doing and what they are thinking on different topics. 
  2. Call their office up and arrange a meeting with them. If they are not going to be around, arrange to meet their Legislative assistant. This way they can put a face to the name when you get in touch about bills you want them to support or oppose on your behalf. 

Let’s get busy steering things in the right direction down at the Capitol!