Women's March Minnesota

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Positions Open With Women's March Minnesota. Is One Right For You?

Interested in volunteering with Women's March MN?  We have some specific positions open - is one right for you?

Fundraising Sponsorship Coordinator: Responsible for developing a comprehensive sponsor program to raise money and other donations to support the mission of Women’s March MN.

Greater Minnesota Action Team: seeking volunteers from all districts in Minnesota. The goal is to connect members within each region so they might identify each other and work together to create social change. District leads would provide communication and leadership for their area. We are especially looking for representatives from Districts 1, 2 and 7. If you are interested in volunteering overall for this team or serving as a district lead, please contact Teresa Kleinschmidt at tkthewriter@gmail.com.

Volunteer Coordinator: Recruit and coordinate the many amazing activists (and activists in training) that offer their time and talents to WMM. Two positions! Great for meeting new people, recruiting volunteers, and second position great for a project manager.

Fill out the volunteer application or request full position descriptions by emailing WomensMarchMN.