Women's March Minnesota

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Food Fuels More Than Just Your Body

To celebrate International Women’s Day, volunteers from Women’s March Minnesota (WMM) hosted Sunday dinner at the Elim Church & Strong Tower Parish Homeless Shelters, two shelters housed in neighboring churches in Northeast Minneapolis. Elim Church hosts women and nonbinary guests, while Strong Power Parish hosts men and couples. Everyone enjoys a meal in the dining room at Elim before separating to settle in for the night.

It was a great night of camaraderie and fellowship as the meal was planned and prepared. Women working side by side with women they admire while focusing on a task that allowed for catching up and sharing stories. Monica Nilsson, director of the shelters gave a tour of the shelters and a brief history. Seeing a basement set up with mattresses awaiting guests is a sobering moment: so much appreciation for the churches that open their doors and the people who make it happen, so much dismay for our society that leaves so many vulnerable. Everyone in the shelter has a story. Some have jobs, some are veterans, some are parents or grandparents, some have mental health issues, some have other ailments.

The tour ended just as guests arrived and dinner was served. Volunteers brought baked goods, homemade bread, and a taco bar with all of the fixings. Guests were delighted. One woman allowed, that normally she didn’t like Mexican food but this was so good. Another mentioned that she hadn’t eaten anything since church that morning. Yet another shared that she had been hoping for tacos earlier today. Many people came back for seconds and even more asked for a few brownies to-go! It’s rewarding to see people relax, refuel and enjoy food and to know you’re making a difference. The real reward comes in joining them in the meal. 

“It didn’t take many of us," Volunteer Leslie Firkins said."We had a lot of fun preparing our taco bar together, serving, and cleaning afterwards. Do you know what my favorite part was? Sitting down and sharing a meal with these folks after we finished serving.”

WMM Co-Founder Alicia Donahue introduced the group to WMM and encouraged guests to register to vote. In the end, it was a chance to catch up with old friends and engage with new people. A chance to help out people who are experiencing a rough time. After, we all went back to our own beds and appreciated them just a little bit more than we might have the night before.

WMM is already planning to go back to the shelter in April and May. If you are interested, please contact Kris Ragozzino or Teresa Kleinschmidt via email kris.ragozzino@gmail.com or tkthewriter@gmail.com

Thanks to the volunteers for representing WMM: Alicia Donahue, Kris Ragozzino, Teresa Kleinschmidt, Jammi Hansen Blair, Alicia Donahue, Debbie Dukatz, Josine Durant, Su Reaney, Linda Gridley, Amanda Admas, Leslie Firkins, Shannon Andreson, Jackie Craig and Ann Treacy.