In 2020 We Will Prevail
1,153 days ago our nation faced one of our darkest days.
On January 21, 2017, we emerged united. Over 5 million of our sisters, brothers, and gender non-identifying siblings marched across the world — 100,000+ right here in Minnesota. We marched in numbers too great for the new administration to ignore on their first day in office. We marched to declare that we would not be silent and declared that we would hold them accountable. We marched against racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, Islamophobia, xenophobia, ableism, anti-Semitism, classism, ageism, and oppression in all forms. We marched for the planet, for justice, for equity, for the future.
In 2018 we donated, volunteered on campaigns, had conversations with our neighbors and family, we door-knocked and phone-banked, and we showed up to the polls. In 2018 we corrected.
In 2020 We Will Prevail
This is where we make our final push! This is the year we take back our government, from the bottom of the ticket to the Oval Office. The time is now to organize in your city, in your community, in your senate district, and your congressional district.
We will not be marching on January 18, 2020, because we are more than a march ~ we are a movement.
Organizing a march requires time, money, and energy. We need 100% of those things focused on November 3, 2020; otherwise, what were we marching for?
We know there are a lot of questions and emotions surrounding this decision. In the coming days we hope to answer those questions. We will also be sharing memories from our three years together and talking about the work we need to continue to do together in 2020.
Minnesota, we will prevail! But we need every single one of you. We hope you will stay tuned!
Why no January march? For the last three years we have been working to focus our constituency on the work required to ensure Minnesota commits to a progressive agenda. A march does not get that work done and diverts/distracts resources that are better used in our communities.
Instead we are going to focus on taking back our government. In 2020 we will PREVAIL! We will be maximizing community efforts to Get Out the Vote (GOTV), education on the electoral process and barriers to voting, taking action on social justice topics, and amplifying the voices in the community doing this work.
For #WMM2020Prevail to succeed We need your talents, your time, and your money
We need YOU to:
Organize a get together with others in your district/precinct to strategize how to make change, how to take action, and how to take back our government
Donate to worthy organizations
WMM is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit - DONATE TODAY
Volunteer with a campaign or organization you are passionate about
Get comfortable at the Minnesota State Capitol by scheduling a tour and then attend legislative session events
The 2020 #MNleg session begins February 11 and ends no later than May 18
Talk to your neighbors about issues they care about
Add the 2020 Elections Calendar dates on YOUR calendar
Attend your precinct caucus on Tuesday, February 25 ~ find your caucus
Participate in the Presidential Nomination Primary on March 3
Vote in the 2020 Primary Election, which determines which candidates (partisan and nonpartisan) will be on the ballot in the November general election
Primary Election Day is Tuesday, August 11
Vote by mail or in person June 26 through August 10 ~ ways to vote
Register to vote in advance by July 21 to save time on Election Day
Check your ballot for the November 3 General Election
Help organizations with GOTV (get out the vote) activities
Contact the folks that represent you — school boards, county boards, city government, state government, and federal government — about issues that are important to you ~ how to contact your representatives
Attend educational events and read up on issues affecting our communities
We will be sending e-newsletters and sharing information on social media. Be certain we have your email and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and sign up to receive our e-newsletters.