Women's March Minnesota

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What’s your voting plan? Need help getting to the polls? Or can you help drive someone?

There are some really innovative ideas coming out of these elections aimed at helping voters get to the polls to vote on November 6th.

Lime (of the lime green bikes and scooters all over the TC) is offering free rides on their shared bikes, e-bikes and e-scooters to voters going to and from the polls on November 6th. Register with this code: LIME2VOTE18!

They've partnered with Vote.org and I am a voter on this GOTV campaign and will link you up with all sorts of great info around voting when you sign up. They'll also send you a reminder to go vote!

Carpool Vote is another set-up helping people get to the polls, but this time by car. Carpool Vote connects volunteer drivers with anybody who needs a ride to the polls. Check out their website to see if this is something you want to use. They are looking for volunteer drivers too, so if you are up for driving people to the polls, this might be the place to sign up.

Early on, word was that Lyft and Uber were offering free rides to the polls. The situation has changed slightly and it seems that they are now offering reduced fare rides with certain restrictions. Check their websites for the latest on the offer:

Otherwise, if you need a ride to the polls, it’s worth checking in with advocacy groups you know that are doing GOTV work. You can also call your party HQ to see if they can help you get to the polls.

And if you have time to drive people to the polls, volunteer with your party or let people in your community know that you are available to drive them.

Yes, people really want you to vote!