Your Town Hall Information:

Town Halls – great opportunities to get to know your representatives and vice versa.

It’s always useful to have face-to-face conversations with your reps. This way they will remember you when you call them or email them about bills that you care about. Here are some upcoming town halls with state representatives.

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March For Our Lives - an update

In the words of the students; “Revolution is coming.”

Hundreds of thousands of students from across the country participated in a march for their lives on March 24. In Saint Paul they took to the streets 20,000 strong in order to have their voices heard on gun control. 

The event, organized by students with guidance from organizations like Protect MN, Mom’s Demand Action, Students Demand Action, Women’s March Minnesota, and Black Lives Matter featured several local student speakers and a few surprise guests from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School who were in town for a national hockey tournament. 

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Power to the Polls!

Gov. Dayton just proclaimed March 24th 2018 as March For Our Lives Day in Minnesota. He also commended the current efforts for sensible gun laws and an end to gun violence. Thank you, Gov. Dayton!
As excitement builds for tomorrow’s events all across the country, let’s ensure this awe-inspiring wave of student-led activism around gun control is felt at the polls in November. Here’s one way to do it: Text P2P to RTVOTE (788-683) to register to vote. It’s simple and takes 2 minutes!

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National School Walkout - An Update

“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth.” - William Faulkner

To every student who participated in yesterday’s Walk Out:

We heard you.
We saw you.
We believe in you.
We will fight with you.
For you.
For all of us.
We will not give up.

We are so inspired and moved by the powerful protests across the country yesterday. To the students, our future leaders, thank you for your courage! You are making a difference!

And an additional thank you to the teachers and parents who supported the students yesterday and every day.

#Enough #NationalWalkoutDay #NeverAgain #NotOneMore


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International Women's Day of Action - ERA Day at the Capitol - Thank You!

Thank you to the many volunteers and the hundreds of attendees who spent their morning at the Capitol on International Women's Day for a DAY OF ACTION to get the Equal Rights Amendment on the Minnesota Ballot in 2018. The Rotunda was filled with Equal Rights Amendment supporters dressed in red letting legislators know the TIME FOR EQUALITY IS NOW! Click for photos..

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A Restoration of Hope

A wrench has been thrown into the cyclical experience of our post-school-shooting national mourning process and it’s being led by those most affected: the students have had enough.  

Students in high schools across the country are organizing themselves and taking to the streets so that their voices -- seemingly ignored for so long by the adults charged with protecting them -- will finally be heard. Minnesota youth, empowered and inspired by the actions and words of the survivors of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting on Feb. 14, are compounding the call for stronger gun control regulations. And they’re just getting started. 

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#NotOneMore - Weekly WMM Update - Demand Gun Legislation Change

"We know that gun control works, we know how to establish it. So why do we act as if it's a hypothetical fantasy attainable everywhere but here? Why are we surprised every time an assault rifle capable of firing 15 to 45 rounds a minute kills that many people? There's no ifs, butts, or maybes, we are done with excuses and BS." She went on to say that, "we are not just asking for shooters to stop shooting, we are asking our government to stop giving them the means to do so!" - Eva Goldfarb, (Member; Women's March Minnesota Youth Empower committee)

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Third Thursday Recap: Roe Unrealized

February's Third Thursday Re-Cap

Roe Unrealized: The war on women is worse than we realize. Roe vs Wade is in place, but far too many women cannot get the reproductive healthcare they need and the GOP is making it more difficult. Karen Law, director of Our Justice, discussed how birth control, abortion, race, poverty and access to resources are being talked about at both national and local levels and how they tilt the playing field even more against some women. She talked about upcoming legislation aimed at further restricting access, and what we can do to make a change for equal access to the healthcare women need. “From unnecessary restrictions at reproductive health clinics, teen mom shaming, and legal challenges blocking insurance coverage for birth control, the need to challenge reproductive injustice remains central to gender equity” – Karen Law, Our Justice.

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ALL-Volunteer Meeting for WMM

Women’s March Minnesota is preparing for a busy and important year in the fight for equity, equality and justice. We will begin by building committees, identifying leadership and finding a place for all those who are committed to moving from a March to a Movement to get involved.

Join us at 9:30 a.m. for a Women's March Minnesota introduction, and at 10 all committees will meet. We plan to host these meetings monthly, and future meetings will have speakers on different topics as well. We hope you will join in our efforts.

RSVP Requested

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SHOW UP with WMM! February & March Full List of Events:

There are a lot of important engagements coming up in the next two months. Show up with Women's March Minnesota for our February and March events and show your support for women's rights. 

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Stand Against Permitless Carry - Welcome Back to the Capitol Lobby Day

Did You Know?

11: American women are 11 times more likely to be murdered with a firearm than women in any other developed nation.  

16: A woman in the U.S. is fatally shot by her current or former intimate partner every 16 hours. 

80: 80 percent of people killed by firearms annually in the U.S. by intimate partners are women. 

53: The percentage of intimate partner murders that involve a fatal gunshot.

1 in 3: The number of women living in domestic violence shelters in California who were threatened or harmed with a firearm by their domestic partners. 

Help us send the message - loud and clear - that we stand against 'Stand Your Ground' and won't permit permitless carry.

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Tonight We Caucus!

Please consider this your personal invitation to caucus tonight and request to become a delegate. Yes, even if you live in progressive district, it’s important to head out tonight. You have to caucus tonight if you want to caucus for the gubernatorial candidates at the State Convention (in June).  

Worried because you’ve never done it before? You’re not alone! There will be many first timers tonight.

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Super Bowl Weekend Activities

While millions of MN tax dollars disappear into parties for the rich, support these Super Bowl weekend protests to draw attention to the persistent issues of low wages, deportations, racism, police brutality and prioritizing corporate over community interests here in MN.

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