Women's March Minnesota

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Rally for Sensible Gun Laws - An Update

Thank you to all who attended today’s Rally for Sensible Gun Laws. What a turn out! What a powerful message for #MNLeg about where we stand on gun violence. #GunReformNow #Enough #NeverAgain #KeepUsSafe

What’s next? Contact your MN legislators and make sure they have heard this message and are ready to fight for it at the Capitol. 

These are the gun related bills in MN Leg so far this session. Talk to your representatives about them:


  • Stand Your Ground (HF238/SF292)
  • Permitless Carry ((HF188/SF649) and (HF309/SF605)
  • Lifetime Permit to Carry (HF 469)


  • Criminal Background Check Bill (HF1669/SF1261)
  • Gun Violence Protective Order (HF1605/SF1262)
  • Taylor Hayden Gun Violence Prevention Act (HR1678)
  • Ban on Bump Stocks (HF2781)

For more details as well as talking points to use with your legislators, see:
House Bill Information 

What can you do to help stop gun violence?

  • Contact your US Reps and Senators and tell them you want them to work hard on the following:
    • Pass a federal ban on assault weapons.
    • Pass universal background checks for all gun purchases – including private sales, gun shows and online.
    • Pass universal background checks for gun and ammunition purchases.
    • Oppose Senate version of HR38, Conceal Carry Reciprocity Bill, which has already passed in the House.
    • Allow and fund the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to research gun violence - i.e. lift “Dickey Rider”.
    • Fund community-based intervention programs.

Find more info on all these see: 5 Calls



Contact these companies and tell them you won't do business with them unless they stop offering discounts to NRA members.

US companies distance themselves from NRA as pressure mounts - Minneapolis Star Tribune

For some really excellent information on ways to prevent gun violence at the state level, plus a very useful piece on how to talk about gun safety – see Indivisible Guide

And please, let’s not ask teachers to carry guns in schools!