Posts tagged Enough
Gun Reform 24 Hour Sit-In Happening Now at the State Capitol

DFL Rep. Erin Maye Quade has said enough is enough! She will conduct a 24 hour sit-in starting NOW to draw attention to the issue of gun violence and the House's refusal to vote on universal background checks, a policy that 90% of Minnesotans agree on. Please join us in showing our support for Representative Erin Maye Quade's action.

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Act Now; Gun Laws In Minnesota

There’s still time to fight for gun control bills in Minnesota

Despite HUGE public support for sensible gun laws, there have been NO hearings in the MN Legislature of gun control legislation, apart from 15 minute hearings of 2 bills, forced on the Public Safety Committee by Rep. Dave Pinto. (The bills were then immediately tabled). However, the session is not over and there is slowly growing bi-partisan support for this issue. This is a subject where people in the suburbs should, in particular, take action.

Your legislators are listening and they know the tide is turning.

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Don’t Give Up On Talking About Gun Control Bills!

Don’t give up on talking about gun control bills!

Congress is on Spring recess. Your US Senators and Representative should be home. Check to see if they have a Town Hall planned and if not, ask them for one or go to their office to talk about issues and legislation that concern you. Or simply call or email them.

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Rally for Sensible Gun Laws - An Update

Thank you to all who attended today’s Rally for Sensible Gun Laws. What a turn out! What a powerful message for #MNLeg about where we stand on gun violence. #GunReformNow #Enough #NeverAgain #KeepUsSafe

What’s next? Contact your MN legislators and make sure they have heard this message and are ready to fight for it at the Capitol. 

These are the gun related bills in MN Leg so far this session. Talk to your representatives about them:

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National School Walk Out - #GunReformNow #Enough

Wednesday, March 14 at 10 AM - 10:15 AM

Students and staff have the right to teach and learn in an environment free from the worry of being gunned down in their classrooms or on their way home from school.

Parents have the right to send their kids to school in the mornings and see them home alive at the end of the day.

We are not safe at school. We are not safe in our cities and towns. Congress must take meaningful action to keep us safe and pass federal gun reform legislation that address the public health crisis of gun violence. We want Congress to pay attention and take note: many of us will vote this November and many others will join in 2020. 

Join us in saying #ENOUGH!

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