ERA Day of Action

Re-Sisters - We are excited to once again be co-hosting the Equal Rights Amendment Day of Action at the MN state Capitol!

Join us THIS THURSDAY for ERA Day of Action at the Capitol! Let’s pack those halls to demand Equal Rights for Women Guaranteed by the Constitution. MAKE EQUAL LEGAL! 
Last year MNLeg refused to hear the Equal Rights Amendment bills. Let’s send a message so loud they cannot ignore us this session. We need your voice! 
March 8th in the Capitol Rotunda – please wear RED!

  • 8:30a – 10:30a: Meet your legislators and discuss why getting the ERA passed is so important to you. (We will help you find your legislator and offer lobbying training).
  • 10:30a - 11:30a: Rally in Rotunda with speakers – ERA bill authors & supporting legislators, leaders from partnering organizations & supporting individuals like: MN NOW, MSP NOW, AAUW Minneapolis, Women's March MN, RISE, St. Croix Valley Women's Alliance and more! 

Contact us
If you are coming from out of town and need info on transportation to the event or lodging, or if you want to volunteer with us on the day.