Posts tagged ERA
Join or Volunteer - Day 1 for ERA!

January 31st is the first day of our 2022 Minnesota state legislative session. We are pleased to join ERA Minnesota in hosting ERA Rally @ the Capitol, where ERA bill authors and supporters will speak in the Capitol rotunda on why the ERA is foundational to providing equality for all. Please join the rally and stay to advocate for equality by meeting with their legislators. We will be following all recommended Covid safety protocols.

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ERA Lobby Days

Starting TOMORROW, our good friends at ERA MN are running 6x1hr workshops on how to lobby your legislator, an overview of the ERA bills, and they´ll also help connect you with your legislators.


  • February 22, 24 & March 1 at 7:00 - 8:00pm

  • February 23, 25 & March 2 at 11:00 am -12:00pm

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Act NowShannon AndresonERA

Great news on the Equal Rights Amendment. HF71 will go to the MN House floor for a vote this Friday . HF71 would memorialize Congress to remove the deadline of 1982 to get 38 states to agree to ratify the ERA. Thirty-five states did sign on by that original date. The removal of the deadline will allow the ratifications of the final three states needed to secure the ERA into the U.S. Constitution.

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What Do We Want? Equal Rights! When Do We Want It? Now!

"Equality under the law shall not be abridged or denied on account of gender," is all we're asking to be added to the MN constitution. Visit ERAMN for more information on the bills.

Take action to get the Senate to hear the bill, pass it, and add it to the ballot! Let the people of Minnesota decide! Can you take a few minutes out of your day to make Equal Rights a reality for future generations?

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Equal Rights Amendments Must Pass! HF189/313/3257 & SF224/101/2827

What do we want? The Equal Rights Amendment. 

When do we want it? NOW!

In the US, women still face inequality due to sexual harassment, inequitable pay and unequal treatment in the courts. Let’s change that and make women equal under the law. It is time! 

Let’s join the 24 other states who have added an Equal Rights Amendment to their State Constitution (including Texas)! Let’s get the ratification going again at the federal level!

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ERA Day of Action

Re-Sisters – Join us THIS THURSDAY for ERA Day of Action at the Capitol! Let’s pack those halls to demand Equal Rights for Women Guaranteed by the Constitution. MAKE EQUAL LEGAL! 
Last year MNLeg refused to hear the Equal Rights Amendment bills. Let’s send a message so loud they cannot ignore us this session. We need your voice! 
Join us March 8th in the Capitol Rotunda – please wear RED!

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