Women's March Minnesota

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Huge Racial Disparities Exist in MN Child Protection Service

Did you know that African American kids are 3 x more likely to be reported to Child Protection Services than white kids? They are 3 x more likely to be removed from their families for the same allegation, and 3 x more likely to become a state ward.

A bill that addresses these and other grave racial disparities in the MN child protection system needs your support. HF3973/SF3773 will stop the arbitrary removal of children from their homes, will strengthen families and save the state money. How can you help?

Attend a Press Conference on this bill on 4/10, 10.30am in Capitol Press Room B971, with bill authors Rep. Rena Moran and Sen. Hayden.

Contact your state Reps and Sens to express your support for the Minnesota African American Family Preservation Act. Let them know that this issue matters to Minnesotans. Reducing racial disparity in the child protection service should be a priority. We all do better when we all do better. All MN children and families deserve to be treated well.

For more information on the issue and the bill: MN African American Family Preservation Act To Stop The Arbitrary Removal Of Black Children By Minnesota's Child Protection Department

Thanks to NAACP-MPLS Child Protection Committee for the information for this call to action.