Gun Reform 24 Hour Sit-In Happening Now at the State Capitol

DFL Rep. Erin Maye Quade has said enough is enough! She will conduct a 24 hour sit-in starting NOW to draw attention to the issue of gun violence and the House's refusal to vote on universal background checks, a policy that 90% of Minnesotans agree on. Please join us in showing our support for Representative Erin Maye Quade's action.

1. Send her a message on twitter using #mnleg, #gunreformnow, #gunsense at @ErinMayeQuade and on FB at Erin Maye Quade.

2. Share and like this post far and wide to your network, and be sure to tag Rep. Erin Maye Quade!

3. Grab your signs and a box of granola bars to share and head to the MN State Capitol to "sit-in" outside the House chamber! She'll be there for the next 24 hours! Share your photos on FB, Twitter & Instagram be sure to tag Rep. Erin Maye Quade and Women's March Minnesota friends & volunteers!

To hear Rep. Erin Maye Quade on her action, see first 25 seconds of the video