Posts tagged Northside Students
Northside Students - March For Our Lives - March 24, 2018

Students across the US are calling for sensible gun laws and an end to gun violence. In 2 weeks, March For Our Lives events will take place across the country and the world.

Young Black activists have been calling for an end to gun violence for decades without much media attention or mass support. Let’s make sure the concerns of our MN communities most impacted by gun violence are represented at the national event, that their voices get heard.

Did you know?

  • As many as 1/4 low-income urban youth have witnessed a murder, and 75% have heard gunshots.
  • Black kids are 3x more likely to be killed by guns than white kids.
  • Black kids are 10x more likely to die by gun homicides than white kids, but white kids are more likely to use guns for suicides.

Let's make that the concerns of the communities most impacted by gun violence are represented. Let's ensure their voices are heard. 

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