Posts tagged WaterIsLife
Stop Line 3 - No Permits to Enbridge - #LoveWaterNotOil

"Minnesota utility regulators Thursday rejected a request by the state's Ojibwe bands to require a comprehensive tribal cultural analysis for Enbridge's proposed pipeline across northern Minnesota.

The tribes have asked the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC) to include a full state study of tribal historic sites as part of the state's Environmental Impact Statement for Enbridge's proposed new Line 3. The controversial pipeline would ferry Canadian oil to Enbridge's terminal in Superior, Wis.

The PUC declined to include such a survey in the environmental review.." -Source

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4th Annual Women's Memorial March - MMIW

Feb 14, 9:00am 4th Annual Women's Memorial MarchProtect Our Life Givers

We know that issues of environmental justice and justice for indigenous peoples are not separate, but deeply interconnected. Be a part of the movement calling for awareness for MMIW.  #WaterIsLife  #ProtectOurLifeGivers  #ProtectOurSacredWaters  #MMIW

Join the MMIW March - All in Solidarity of MMIW. We'll be alongside many communities across Turtle Island to honor missing and murdered indigenous women.

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