Minnesota Voter Information for 2024
Deadlines for Registering to Vote:
Everything you need to know about voting:
To see What’s on Your Ballot, check your Voter Registration, find your Polling Place, find out more about candidates, check out the League of Women Voters
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Action Alert: Monday, May 13 the MN House is voting on the ERA – please show up!
The Equal Rights Amendment is getting a vote on the House Floor on Monday, May 13 at 11am. Depending on the outcome of the Floor Session there may be a few more crucial sessions – although Monday is important because Representatives can bring amendments to the floor. Some amendments may try to qualify who deserves equal rights and who doesn’t as well as decide if all people deserve equal rights all the time. We’re talking about bodily autonomy and human autonomy.
The anti-ERA crowd have been at the Capitol in force, and they will be back. Please join us at the Capitol to show support for the ERA.
Schedule for the day:
Session could go long, so please join us at any time. Your presence will make us stronger. Wear green or white to show your true colors.
Not able to join us in person?
Call, email, write to, or visit your state senator and representative to ask them to pass the Equal Rights Amendment bill in Minnesota. (Find your legislator online.) Also, you can watch the meeting remotely.
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Phone banking opportunities for the North STAR Act
Here are a few opportunities to make calls to support the North STAR Act, an act that protects immigrants in the state of Minnesota by prohibiting state and local law enforcement from using state resources for the purpose of civil immigration enforcement.
Each session will be hybrid.
Monday April 22nd- Evening shift= 5:00-8:00 pm; Training from 5:00-5:30 pm.
Thursday April 25th- Lunch time shift= 11:00am-1:00 pm
Hosted by MN Freedom Fund and Jewish Community Action
If you have questions, call or text or email Ash at 952-353-6932 or ash@mnfreedomfund.org
Monday April 29th- Evening shift=6:00-8:00 pm
Hosted by MN8 and MN Freedom Fund
If you have questions, call or text or email Chenda at 651-600-2205 or chenda@minnesota8.org
The official RSVP link: https://www.mobilize.us/mnfreedomfund/event/619920/
The short RSVP link for on graphics or texting folks: https://bit.ly/northstarphonebankAll are welcome. No prior experience needed.
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Contact your Legislator for the ERA today!
We need your support immediately! Reach out to your legislators to express that there's no better time than now to pass the Equal Rights Amendment. We are currently in the doldrums of the legislative session, waiting for agreement between the House and Senate. The Spring Recess ends April 2nd) and it's a great time to contact your district legislators.
What's the delay? Pass the ERA!
Find your legislator
Tell them in your own words how important the ERA is to you by phone or email.
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Support bill to mandate insurance coverage of abortion care in MN.
Action to take:
Contact your representative and senator and urge them to support this bill HF4053/SF3967.
To find out who your legislator is online.
Useful details for your message to your legislators:
One-pager on Abortion Coverage Act by UnRestrict Minnesota
Session Daily article on bill.
Thank you for taking action on this important bill!
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Shania Twain Tribute at the Turf Club Sep 1 to benefit Women's March MN, ERA MN and Our Justice
We are thrilled and honored to be the beneficiaries of the Shania Twain Tribute at the Turf Club on September 1. It's become an annual tradition that we enjoy so much.
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One more step to pass the ERA Ballot initiative in Minnesota
The MN HOUSE needs to complete 1 final step - to pass the State ERA Ballot Initiative on the House Floor by Monday night!!
✅ Contact House Speaker Melissa Hortman to call for the vote on ERA Bill SF37 as written. Speaker Melissa Hortman:(rep.melissa.hortman@house.mn.gov), 651-296-4280.
✅ Contact Representative Jamie Long to support the ERA Bill SF37 as written. House Majority Leader Jamie Long:(rep.jamie.long@house.mn.gov), 651-296-5375.
✅ Prepare to show up on Monday, May 22nd, time TBD.
Find your Legislator.
Why is it important to pass ERA Bills in 2023? So there is adequate time to educate the public on the amendment prior to voting on the general ballot in 2024. Learn more.
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Call to Action (May 15!) Protect Kids' Safety Online - urgent!
Time to act now to protest children online!
The MN AADC bill would protect children online, by reaching vendors duringin the design phase. The bill would require all online products and services likely to be accessed by children to do a risk assessment and mitigate risks to children online during the design phase and before the harm can happen. It is the best of this type of bill in the country at present. Behind the scenes Big Tech agrees, but this is not stopping them and folks from the StarTribune (new CEO Steve Grove, former DEED Commissioner and former employee to Big Tech’s YouTube) from trying to kill it quietly by getting to key Senators in an attempt to stop these online protections for kids as they’ll mean putting children over profit. In particular it seems that Sen. Latz needs to be encouraged to support this bill. If he is your senator, that's the best. However, even if you don't live in his district, I am told it is worth a shot. But it needs to happen NOW.
This is the ask from supporters of this bill:
Pls call, email, reach out to Senator Latz. Tell him something like -
"It is time to protect our children online. It is time to prioritize our kids, over big tech profits. Parents, families and communities demand that you get out of the way and pass the Age-Appropriate Design Code (AADC) NOW!"
Latz Capitol Office
Email - https://www.senate.mn/members/email-form/1102
If you have extra time, pls also reach out to:
Senate Leader Kari Dziedzic and Senate President Bobby Joe Champion to urge them to pass the AADC this session.
The MN AADC has already passed as a standalone bill (HF2257) in the House and it has also been amended into the Deep Fake bill (HF1370), but is under threat of not continuing to be in there (or something like that).
Get more background.
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