Together we Rise womens march mn

Our Goals

The Ending Violence Committee believes that we are here to educate and work with organizations to create positive changes in the areas of gun violence, sexual harassment, domestic/psychological abuse and police brutality especially in marginalized communities. We believe in accountability and justice. We intend to drive debate and focus attention on the issues and to hold power accountable. We believe in partnering with organizations that are out there such as MN Coalition for Battered Women, the Justice 4 Groups, and our sister committees. We want to shape and advocate for laws and policies that advance our causes on state, local, and national levels.We welcome volunteers who have a passion for fighting for justice and is determined to keep moving until all are treated equally regardless to socio-economic status, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or gender identity, race, physical or mental ability or age. We look to build relationships with those who fight for the betterment of all.

Come be a part of our team by e-mailing us! #EndingViolence


Our Favorite Books & Movies

A book or movie must tell the story of the people. Either should try best to represent the truth. Any book or story should represent the people's truth and should serve to enhance knowledge and denigrate any people's. One of my favorite movies Amistad for example I think does a good job in telling the story of the journey and the fight. My favorite book to Kill a Mockingbird even though fictional does a fabulous job in staying true to history. Now It’s Your Turn. Share Your Favorites!






Know More,Get Involved:

Our features, ways to give & current events

We are a group of women of different ages, ethnic and racial backgrounds who share a passion for advocating for ending violence. We support other organizations that are working for ending violence by utilizing the resources of the Women’s March MN. Members of our group contribute in many ways and we welcome any skills and time that you can share. Get involved by sending an email of interest with the header ‘ending violence’. We can’t wait to hear from you!


Featured Editorial

Featured Call To Action


Calendar of Events


Help End Violence

Women's March MN is a non-profit organization. 100% of every dollar you give goes back to the community. Your donation will be used to help fund activities and events WMM hosts, sponsors, or supports.