Thanks to everyone who came out to this week's Third Thursdays event - Mobilizing for the Midterms. We had a full-house!
Armed Forces Week is May 13 – May 19, 2018. As we celebrate these courageous women and
men who sacrifice for our freedom we call attention specifically to the women who serve.
Great news! The Governor has vetoed the "ultrasound bill" (SF2849). Thank you for standing up for women, Gov. Dayton!
And thank you to everyone who called, wrote, tweeted their legislators, the Governor, talked with others about the issue.
We are very excited to announce that Jeff Aguy of NAACP Mpls will be joining our panel at next week's Third Thursdays - "Mobilizing for the Mid-terms".
Read MoreFor one day, on May 12, 2018, people dealing with warrant issues in Ramsey County can come and get their issues resolved without the fear of getting arrested.
The county is teaming up with the ACLU of Minnesota, the NAACP, and UJAMAA Place to host a warrant resolution day. Attendees will work with attorneys and judges to address active warrants and take actions to resolve or move forward with any underlying court case.
Read MoreTwin Cities Pride parade should be a fun, festive event for all, not just a privileged portion of attendees…It has been marketed as and should be a place where marginalized people can feel free to express and celebrate themselves.
Read MoreThe MN House Public Safety Omnibus bill (HF2856), to be discussed and possibly voted on Tuesday May 1st, has some problems:
a) It includes 2 anti-protest provisions that are being rolled out across the country and are aimed at chilling dissent, particularly by groups like BLM and Water Protectors.
b) It includes NO gun control provisions. (26 sensible gun law bills are waiting at MN Leg for action to be taken on them.)
People dealing with warrant issues in Ramsey or Washington Counties can come and get their issues resolved without the fear of getting arrested on May 1, and May 12, 2018.
The counties are teaming up with the ACLU of Minnesota, the NAACP, and UJAMAA Place to host a warrant resolution day. Attendees will work with attorneys and judges to address active warrants and take actions to resolve or move forward with any underlying court case.
Women's March Minnesota is proud to be a sponsor of this year's March for Immigrant and Refugee Rights.
Please join us May 1st as we march in solidarity with Minnesota's Immigrant Community. We march in support of Dreamers and recipients of TPS and DED. We march to demand legalization for all undocumented immigrants. We march to call for an end to unfair deportations of our neighbors and friends. Let's show up in strength on May 1st!
Read MoreAs Mn Leg comes into the final stretch of this session, here are some important bills to contact your legislators and the Governor about that you might have missed:
Read MoreProtect Minnesota’s press release on last week’s House Education Committee meeting:
Date: April 18, 2018
Our first Comfortable at the Capitol event was a hit. We were able to partake in the MN Zoo day at the Capitol and met several MN House members, including Representative Erin Maye Quade and Representative Ilhan Omar, while mingling with ant eaters, turtles and chinchillas.
Read MoreApril 24 – April 30:
Show your support for businesses closing their doors May 1st, International Workers Day, in solidarity with the Immigrant Movement! All week long, visit and purchase from the businesses below and make sure to tell them why you chose their business that day (and share photos on social media!).
Read MoreThe fight for equal pay: why is it important and what can I do?
Read MoreInterested in volunteering with Women's March MN? We have some specific positions open - Find out more!
Women's March Minnesota strongly echoes the statement below by Women's March on the acquittal of the officers who killed Alton Sterling two years ago.
We also strongly protest the shooting death of Stephon Clark in Sacramento last week, yet another Black man killed by the police. This violence and injustice against Black and Brown people has to stop and we must do all we can to make this happen.
“White privilege is staging a walkout for gun control and having colleges and Universities say you will not be punished and your admission won’t be changed, when the same was not happening for Ferguson and Baltimore school walkouts...White privileged is not a curse word. It’s not meant to blame or shame anyone. It’s a lens to understand how race works in this country."
Read MoreNotes from Third Thursdays event in March - “The Fight for Equal Pay” - hosted by MSP NOW.
- Women earn 81cents in the dollar compared to men. When compared with White men, Asian women earn 87 cents, White women earn 79 cents, Black women earn 63 cents and Latina women earn 54 cents.
- The wage gap increases with age, maxing at 55-64 years due to the Opportunity Gap (i.e. women are less likely to get promoted than men). As a result, men are 85% more likely to be in positions of senior leadership, and over 60% of women are individual contributors towards the end of their careers, compared to just 40% of men.
- Of all the Fortune 500 CEOs, just 5% are women, 0.4% are women of color, and there are no Black women Fortune 500 CEOs.
- Minnesota is ranked 12th in the country for gender pay equality, and 49th for racial inequality (above WI).
On Thursday March 29, Women’s March Minnesota is participating in Our Justice’s 25th Annual Bowl-A-Thon. Our Justice has always worked to provide people with the resources they need now, while also advocating for policy change that would make these resources more available and remove many of these challenges altogether. Founded in 1967 by a small group of doctors, clergy, and community members to assist Minnesota women in accessing abortion care, Our Justice continues to support people’s reproductive and sexual human rights.
Women’s March Minnesota created a team to raise money and we need your support! Donate to our team page and help us support Our Justice.
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