Our Goals
We believe that all women’s issues are issues faced by women with disabilities and deaf women. The goals for the Committee on Rights for People with Disabilities are listed below.
1. Receive legislative information from ARCMn.org and NAMI.org on any legislation that will be presented or voted on that would affect people with disabilities.
2. Send out information to the Women's March as a whole when there is legislation that needs direct action by all of us, such as phone calls, emails or letter writing. This is for both the The State of Minnesota Legislature and the U.S. Congress.
3. Familiarize ourselves with problems within the disability community that we could share with the committee, to see if there is someway that we can get involved with finding a solution.
4. This is the community we represent. About 56.7 million people — 19 percent of the population — had a disability in 2010, according to a broad definition of disability, with more than half of them reporting the disability was severe, according to a comprehensive report on this population released today by the U.S. Census Bureau.That is approximately 10% of the entire population.
As mothers, sisters, daughters, and contributing members of this great nation, we seek to break barriers to access, inclusion, independence, and the full enjoyment of citizenship at home and around the world. We strive to be fully included in and contribute to all aspects of American life, economy, and culture. Be Part Of Our Team By Emailing Us! #DisabilityRights
Our Favorite Books & Movies
We would highly recommend any books or movies that are personal stories of someone with a disability and any difficulties that that disability presents. Though conversation is the quickest route to understanding. If you'd like background information to put these experiences into context find real-life stories to read and view in order to achieve a basic understanding. Also, researching topics on the internet is a good place to start too. Now It’s Your Turn. Share Your Favorites!
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Being a part of this committee makes us realize we can create a better world for our family members, friends and others with disabilities. We are a small group and could use a few more members, that really want to make this committee move and shake for the Disability community.
“A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” –Christopher Reeve
This is the community we represent. About 56.7 million people — 19 percent of the population — had a disability in 2010, according to a broad definition of disability, with more than half of them reporting the disability was severe, according to a comprehensive report on this population released recently by the U.S. Census Bureau. That is approximately 10% of the entire population.
“Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.” –Helen Keller
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