What I want the police, mayor, city council and world at large to hear is that thousands protested what happened. We want change. I want them to hear the sadness and reverence in Amazing Grace and find the humanity to make that change.
Read MoreFifty people signed up to play Undie-Go, our virtual fundraiser benefitting those experiencing homelessness on April 23. Money - $900 - was raised for shelter residents at Elim Church/Strong Tower Shelters. Everyone needs underwear, and our goal was to provide packs of underwear to all residents who stay at the shelter. Elim/Strong Tower Shelters houses 40 women and 40 men and couples each night. In our time of COVID-19, residents need a place to stay so the shelters are often at capacity.
Read MoreIn a time of uncertainty and fear, Women’s March Minnesota hopes to offer support and advocate for assistance in the coming weeks. As COVID-19 continues to spread, it is our duty to help protect one another throughout Minnesota. As a board and organization, we will continue to advocate for those who are further marginalized by the impacts of the virus and the actions to mitigate its spread.
WMM asks officials for transparent, accurate, and up-to-date information shared publicly through multiple channels. We strongly advocate for immediate cash assistance in the form of Universal Basic Income from our federal government, in addition to state, county, and local relief. Any emergency support must not have strings attached or hoops to jump through to best reach those who need it most. In addition, assistance to individuals and families in need must not accrue debt.
Read MoreTo celebrate International Women’s Day, volunteers from Women’s March Minnesota (WMM) hosted Sunday dinner at the Elim Church & Strong Tower Parish Homeless Shelters, two shelters housed in neighboring churches in Northeast Minneapolis. Elim Church hosts women and nonbinary guests, while Strong Power Parish hosts men and couples. Everyone enjoys a meal in the dining room at Elim before separating to settle in for the night.
Read More1,153 days ago, on November 8, 2016, our nation faced one of our darkest days.
On January 21, 2017, we emerged united. Over 5 million of our sisters, brothers, and gender non-identifying siblings marched across the world ~ 100,000+ right here in Minnesota. We marched in numbers too great for the new administration to ignore on their first day in office. We marched to declare that we would not be silent and declared that we would hold them accountable. We marched against racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, Islamophobia, xenophobia, ableism, anti-Semitism, classism, ageism, and oppression in all forms. We marched for the planet, for justice, for equity, for the future.
In 2018 we donated, volunteered on campaigns, had conversations with our neighbors and family, we door-knocked and phone-banked, and we showed up to the polls. In 2018 we corrected.
This is where we make our final push! This is the year we take back our government, from the bottom of the ticket to the Oval Office. The time is now to organize in your city, in your community, in your senate district, and your congressional district.
We will not be marching on January 18, 2020 because we are more than a march ~ we are a movement.
Organizing a march requires time, money, and energy. We need 100% of those things focused on November 3, 2020; otherwise, what were we marching for?
On Sunday, July 14, Women’s March Minnesota’s Board of Directors voted unanimously against signing an affiliation agreement presented by Women’s March, Inc.
Women’s March Minnesota is an independent IRS-designated 501(c)(3) organization (granted by the IRS in February of 2018). Women’s March Inc released its proposed affiliation document, opening the “official” affiliation process in March of this year.
Women’s March Minnesota provided feedback regarding the initial agreement draft, as well as a multitude of on-going concerns that have been voiced by the Board, volunteers, and supporters of WMM.
Read MoreDo you know how many abortion clinics there are in Minnesota? Four – three in the Twin Cities and one in Duluth. Minnesotans, on average, think there are 41. That’s part of what’s driving the rage in Minnesota; there are so many misunderstandings, so many fallacies and, dare we say it, fake news about abortions.
Read MoreAs a person of color, it was difficult to watch. I kept seeing my loved ones in the faces of those young boys. It is a heartbreaking, yet moving, series that serves as a stark reminder of the physical and psychological violence that is inflicted on Black and Brown people at the hands of our criminal justice system.
Read MoreThese photography sessions were not your high fashion, super model type. It was made to show the authentic, raw side of a woman that is hidden behind a veil; that women can only scream and yell when no one’s there. In society, in many women’s upbringing, we have been conditioned to be passive, silent, and to feel powerless. But we are not. These outcry sessions encourage women to let out their inner roar, that burning fire that’s been eating them up inside.
Read More“In response to the long history of silencing of women and girls I make portraits of women screaming. Through this project I provide women a space where they can practice speaking up and out for themselves. I also provide a space for them to be heard, supported, encouraged and celebrated. I began this project on the night of the Women’s March 2018, and since then have photographed over 200 women.”
Read MoreIlhan Omar is a voice of peace and trusted friend of Women’s March Minnesota. We #StandWithIlhan and unequivocally oppose the divisive, racist, Islamophobic attacks against her. Her resilience in the face of the slander, attempted censorship, and violent threats against her speaks to her strength and dedication to creating an equitable world. All lawmakers should denounce this bigotry and violence.
Read MoreWhen is the last time you used your driver’s license as an ID? For me, it was when I forgot my library card but wanted to check out the books that I had reserved. For you, perhaps it was when you checked in for a medical appointment, entered your child’s school or ordered a drink in a restaurant.
Approximately 82,000 residents of Minnesota are eligible for a driver’s license or state ID, but cannot get one because they are undocumented immigrants. Many have been living here for decades and were able to obtain a driver’s license until Governor Pawlenty changed the law in 2003. Imagine having your driving privileges and access to an ID stripped away. For undocumented immigrants, having access to a Driver’s License or State ID is both a matter of convenience and access and dignity to move around the state.
Read MoreFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Women’s March Minnesota Announces Speakers for the 2019 Women's March on January 19, 2019 at the Minnesota State Capitol
Minneapolis, MN January 17, 2019: Women’s March Minnesota, a local nonprofit dedicated to harnessing the power of women and their communities to create transformative social change, is excited to announce the speakers for the 2019 Women’s March.
The pre-march rally, which begins at 10:00 a.m. at the Western Sculpture Park , welcome from a Women's March Minnesota Board Member, will be emcee’d by Miss Shannan , a comedian, radio and television host, keynote speaker and social instigator. Hear her on MyTalk 107.1, and her podcast called "Be Our Geek." Sparking the crowd to action will be college student and activist, Brianne Benson , and Jr. High student and activist, Lillian .
Read MoreWomen’s March Minnesota (WMM) is pleased to announce the organizations who have agreed to become sponsors and endorsers for the Minnesota Women’s Wave March taking place on Saturday, January 19, 2019 in St. Paul.
Women’s March Minnesota deeply appreciates receiving the support of so many reputable local groups who join in our purpose of harnessing the power of women and their communities to create transformative social change. The important work of educating, amplifying, and activating requires intersectional grassroots activism and we appreciate the trust of community members and leaders across Minnesota as we chart a new course into what 2019 looks like for WMM.
This is the year we declare that we are UNSTOPPABLE in our fight for equity, equality, and justice for all Minnesota women, gender non-identifying folks, and allies!
10:00 AM – 10:30 AM, Pre-March Rally, Western Sculpture Garden, 387 Marion St, St. Paul
10:30 AM – 11:30 AM, March, south on Marion St/Kellogg Blvd and north on John Ireland Blvd
Noon – 1:00 PM, Rally, Minnesota State Capitol, 75 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd
1/10/19: St. Paul, MN ---- Women’s March Minnesota shares the concerns of Minnesotans about Women’s March, Inc. (WMI) and the controversy surrounding the national leaders’ connections with those who have engaged in anti-Semitic, anti-woman, and anti-LGBTQ hate speech.
Read MoreAfter the election in 2016, I went into a funk. I turned off Facebook, I turned off the television. I turned inward. For me, it was a time of healing and deep doubt. I questioned myself, my choices.
I had chosen to be here, in the U.S. I came here for school, met my husband, and stayed. Where I come from, I was taught to fight for justice, speak out and up. My parents taught me that I had to fight for everyone. If one person suffers, we all suffer. You need to do something. But I think when I came here, I lost that. Life got busier and easier.
Read MoreWomen’s March Minnesota (WMM) is looking for your two cents and by sharing your thoughts you could win one of three $50 Visa gift cards. WMM is asking people across Minnesota to take the survey. It should take less than 10 minutes and each survey has a chance to win $50 gift card.
We are working with 100RuralWomen to help spread the word.
The survey is designed to assess how WMM can better meet the needs of potential members across the state both in terms of support and programs, and also reflect the policy concerns of people outside of the Twin Cities. WMM appreciates your time and frank answers. Prizes will be drawn Dec 31, 2018.
Take the survey
The first woman who Habon Abdulle of WOW Network recruited to run for office was Ilhan Omar.
"After the election, many of us felt that we can put our bags down. We are here to stay, and now we have a stake in the game. While we recognize this election is not presidential, the effect on marginalized people’s emotions are similar, as prejudice is confronted by elected representation. " - Habon Abdulle
Read MoreDid you hear? Highest midterm election voter turnout since 1914, and Minnesota is in TOP PLACE with 64.3% turnout (according to United States Election Project. Also, Vox article on turnout).
THANK YOU for all your work to make this happen!
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